3 Tips For Better-Looking Phone Videos by Tomorrow (No Upgrade Needed! 🤫)

If you’re using the excuse that you have an old phone and are waiting to upgrade before you start talking to your people online, I will stop you right there!

You probably don’t need to upgrade your phone for better-looking videos or photos. At least not yet! Yes, there is a time and place to upgrade, but that shouldn’t stop you from recording videos directed to your people and posting them online.

Click on this blog post to read three quick, easy, and free tips to try today to make your videos and photos look 1000% better:

  1. Clean Your Lens!

Seriously. If you wear glasses, you know the feeling when you finally get them cleaned, and it’s like your sight was miraculously restored. The oil from our hands, the lint in our pockets, and who knows what else gets on your lens. GENTLY clean both lenses. Official Disclaimer: Google the best way your phone maker recommends cleaning the lens to ensure you don’t damage it! For example, with big cameras, we never spray anything directly on a lens—always on a cloth. So, follow what’s recommended for your device.

2. You need more natural light!   

If you already have a ring light, that's fantastic, but you really don’t need new gear to start recording videos. The sun is the best free, beginner-friendly light source.

Yes, every now and then, I’ll throw up my professional lights, but I do most of my social media videos right in front of a window. And I mean right up to the window! You can even use clear tape to attach your phone to the window. Seriously!

  • Make sure the window light is facing you and not behind you.

  • Cloudy days are the best because they provide even, soft light.

  • Avoid harsh sunlight beating on your face or the sun going in and out behind clouds every five seconds.

  • I prefer the look of mid-morning light compared to late afternoon light

Turn off the overhead lights.

 Your overhead lights are orange, while the window light coming in is bluer (unless we’re talking golden hour).

Combining these two light sources and colours in one shot on your face doesn’t look great. I even turn off the hall lights in the far background because I prefer a naturally darker, deeper background over the look of mixed lighting. Try this experiment and see what I mean.

By combining any or all of these tips, you will see a difference the second you start recording. Best of all, you can hold off on that phone upgrade for a little bit longer.

Margot+ Daley

Personal Brand Photography and Video for dynamic female entrepreneurs.


The Portfolio Career: Toronto Brand Session with Jessica Tudos.